Thursday, September 18, 2008


No need for details. Just know that Brady was able to get his hands on some potato chips Wednesday at school. Within two hours of being home he had yellow mucousy diarrhea. I know it's TMI but the amount of mucous was crazy. I explained to Robin that Brady's gut was experiencing inflammation from the chips and the mucous was it's way of protecting itself.

This infraction told me one thing. We are on the right track with SCD. Sometimes slips like that are the reassurance that you need to know you're doing the right thing.

And I don't think that mistake will happen again.

Tonight he ate a tiliapi fillet fried with almond & cashew flour, and boiled carrots. He ate nearly all of it very willingly. I've been slacking in pushing more meats and veggies. I'm going to make a more concious effort of that starting tomorrow.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Moderate Fat in his stools

Possibly indicative of malabsorption. Most likely. I told the ped I did not think he was digesting his food.

However that will all change with SCD.