Thursday, January 1, 2009

Potty training kicked my butt!!

Today was the start of a new year and the day we started potty training Brady. Now we knew that it wasn't going to be easy but I think secretly we both hoped it would be. Like he was going to pull a rabbit out of his hat which would be pee in the potty, right?

Well let me tell you, I stared at my son's penis way more than I care to admit today. I started him off in our bathroom that I scrubbed last night. I knew he was going to touch a lot of surfaces and it wigged me out. I cleaned it up and then brought in all his favorite things. I put down his playrug, his toys, his CD player, his DVD player, food, and lots of drinks. When he woke we gave him juice and put him on the potty. He sat quite well for a long time but then I really had to work to keep him happy and sitting. Finally after an hour and seven minutes he peed. I praised like crazy and reinforced him with his DVD player. He took it, layed on my bed and proceeded to pee like crazy. Super. What I've learned today is Brady pees a very tiny amount before he let's the big pee go.

So back on the potty he goes. Twenty minutes later he POOPED on the potty. He had been passing gas like crazy. I smelled the awful smell that is his toxic poop and I checked. He had pooped but he had never given any outward signs of it leading me to believe that at this point he doesn't have real control over his bowel movements. If you've followed my blog then you know he had diarrhea issues we're working on. So potty training is going to be tough.

I won't give you all the details but let's leave it at he peed more in his underwear and on my floor than he did in the potty. We'll leave it at we watched the kid's penis like a hawk so that we could swoop him up and run or praise him like crazy and it has exhausted the crap out of us.

I was surprised and happy that Robin (Brady's Daddy) was more patient with him than I was.

We're hoping tomorrow goes better. Please God!

1 comment:

Erron said...

Potty training is kicking our butt too. We were there, night dry too, and then he had a full regression so frustrating. We're back to serious potty training mode. For the most part Elijah doesn't wear any bottoms at home and we've made very good use of our bissel little green machine. I think we've used it on every surface possible. I hope it become easier for you as the two of you get the hang of it.