Anyone with a child with autism involved with ABA or biomedical can relate to what I'm about to share. What I really really need is MONEY!! It's so unfair that next to nothing to is covered by insurance. We've been lucky in that the only real help we've had has come in the form of beautiful scholarships from the center Brady attends for ABA. Without those scholarships I don't know where we'd be. I guess deeper in the sea of debt we are currently treading in. We've been treading for awhile now and we're getting kind of tired. But what are we going to do? There's nothing we can quit. Everything we're doing for him right now is working!
See today has been particularly difficult. We've been lucky enough to have financial support in scholarships for many many months now. Unfortunately those funds are gone and we are now in a position in which we need to pay full price. I ask you. What would you say if someone told you that you needed to pay nearly $900 a week for your child to have a future? That is the question before me today folks. And mind you that's just for the ABA. What about the costs of the biomedical treatments we are providing Brady? The special foods? It all adds up to a scary sum of money.
We are presented with such things all the time. This is one of the most difficult things about autism. You are forced to make such huge important decisions for your child all the time. Not every once in awhile like with typical kids but all the time. It's exhausting and scary. You don't always know what the right decision is.
All we know is that Brady has made amazing progress in his program and we have to keep keeping. If only we could win the lottery.....
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