We cloth diaper Sadie and I actually thoroughly enjoy it, even making some nice bamboo velour prefolds myself. I feel good about my efforts to keep our landfills free of disposable diapers. Cloth diapering is easier than I thought. I am currently in the process of switching Brady over to 100% cloth. His skin is *super* sensitive and he reacts strongly to chemicals especially those in disposable diapers and pull-ups.
In general we try to limit his exposure to chemicals as much as possible. I just ordered him two organic pillows. He recently moved to his big boy bed and I plan to get him an organic mattress for that as well. I use biodegradable and enviromentally friendly detergents and cleaning products. We run an air purifier in his room. I have this dream of creating a green-zen-like bedroom for him with bamboo floors and blinds. A nice organic wool rug. Ahhh! It'll happen but slowly. Unfortunately it's expensive to do these things. I have more to say on the chemical front but not enough time. I need to go get the kidlets ready and take Brady to ABA.
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