Saturday, May 2, 2009

Could it be seizures?

Could seizures be the reason Brady is unable to talk anymore? I need to know why he's losing his ability to speak.

Brief history. As a baby Brady babbled but never developed any words. As his autism became more apparent his babbling disappeared. He started ABA at 23 months old. By 27 months he said his first word "go". Over the course of the next year (2-3 years old) he accumulated 55 spoken words. Over the course of the next year (3-4 years) he slowly started losing those words he worked so hard for. Here we are with his 5th birthday just 28 days away and Brady is unable to speak a single word. In fact he can only replicate one sound now "eeeeee".

You would think this loss of language would have someone other than his family up in arms. You'd think they'd want to get to the bottom of it and find out why he's losing all ability to speak. The sad reality is we're the only ones who seem concerned. Everyone else is perfectly content to use other methods of communicating. For now those methods are necessary but I think panic and urgency should accompany them.

Monday I have an appt with Brady's pediatrician to dicuss this complete and utter loss of language. It's NOT normal for children with autism to lose the ability to speak at all. I want to do another EEG to rule out seizures. It's been three years now. What is going on with him?

1 comment:

Jenny Beeson said...

Hi. My daughter Avery just turned 3 and has Autism. our site is I found your site b/c I was searching for info on threelac. Avery has gained and lost words twice now. We are also down to none. Our DAN dr. doesn't even know why. Just wanted to offer my support and introduce our story to you. Good luck!